Frequently Asked Questions

What is Beyond Meds?

Beyond Meds provides diagnosis-specific patient instructions that address nutrition, exercise, and mindset. We use a whole-person health approach, with a coaching style that helps patients create healthy habits.

Why should I sign up for the Beyond Meds program?

We help providers deliver whole-person health strategies directly to their patients. We bridge gaps in healthcare by decreasing hospital readmissions, lowering overall healthcare costs.

We save providers time by addressing the behavioral barriers to improving health.

How is your treatment program different from other discharge instructions or programs?

We address the behavioral barriers that prevent patients from making healthy changes. We specialize in preventative health, focusing on food as medicine, physical activity, and mindset. Our treatment plans are organized and easy for patients to use on their own.

How do I login and access the treatments?

Your unique login and password gives you access to the index page of treatments, where you can search and click on the diagnosis.

Once I choose the right diagnosis for my patient, what happens next?

A window will open, the treatment card will be visible to you, and below it will be the expanded version.

How do my patients receive the treatments?

Once the provider opens the treatment, they choose text or print.

  1. Text button sends a link to their treatment card. Once opened, they can toggle back and forth between the longer version.
  2. Print button is located at the top of the treatment card. Card is then printed and handed to the patient.

If my patient has more than one diagnosis, can I give them more than one treatment?

Yes, but we recommend choosing the most relevant one, per each patient encounter. Remember, each treatment offers a lot of information, and we recommend not giving too much information at once, as patients can get overwhelmed.

How can I sign up for the subscription service or pilot program?

Beyond Meds is a cloud-based subscription service. We are currently running our subscription pilot program, partnering with several care providers. Hospital systems, emergency departments, and ambulatory care practices interested in being part of our pilot program are welcome to reach out to us. In exchange, we will receive feedback for using our system and we can run a pilot. At the end of the pilot period, providers may continue using the subscription-based service.

Is my patient’s data secure?

Our cloud-based security is hosted in Azure and is using AES 25 bit encryption. Text messages are sent from Azure, and the numbers are never stored. We do not use any patient identifiers.

Is the Beyond Meds program patented?

Yes, the exact delivery system, incorporating holistic instructions, is patent-protected.

Are the Beyond Meds treatments updated regularly?

Yes, we have a team of medical experts reviewing and updating treatments regularly, based on the latest medical information and medical research. The treatments are updated in real time, and every time the provider logs in, they will have the latest treatments automatically updated.

How do I sign up for Beyond Meds?

Fill out the form on the Contact Us page, and a member of our team will contact you.