Our Program

Personal health coaching

We offer diagnosis-specific patient instructions that include nutrition, exercise, and stress management.

We use a whole-person health approach, with a coaching style that helps patients create healthy habits.

Medical experts from various fields collaborate to update treatments regularly.

Each Beyond Meds lifestyle plan is sent to the patient’s phone via text message from their doctor. Patients can easily access their personal care plan from anywhere, anytime.


We inspire patients to be more active and less sedentary.

The exercise recommendations are based on the U.S. physical activity guidelines and are specific to each patient’s diagnosis.

For example, recommendations for light aerobic activity may include walking, cycling, or swimming.

Patients can learn why being active is beneficial, how exercise helps lower blood pressure for example, and even how to stretch properly.

We make it easy to get started with practical tips meant to inspire those who might be new to exercise.

Shopping list

We provide each patient with a shopping list specific to their diagnosis.

Whether you are managing a chronic condition, or looking to get better from an acute illness, our lists will help you make informed and healthy choices.

We help patients take their first step toward better health.


Nutrition plays a vital role in whole-person health.

We deliver simple evidence-based strategies to help patients eat healthier and learn which foods and vitamins can help them get better.

In general, we lean toward plant-based nutrition, supporting increased intake of fiber-rich foods, while minimizing highly processed foods.

Stress management

Emotional health and stress are increasingly recognized as factors contributing to illness.

We offer intuitive, practical recommendations to promote healthy behaviors and mitigate stress, helping patients create healthy habits that last.

Emotional well-being is a crucial component to our physical health.